Biofeedback using the HeartMath technique, looks at how calming the mind and regulating your emotions transforms your state of being. The term coherence is used in HeartMath and refers to the cooperative alignment between heart, mind, and emotions. Having higher coherence is optimal for us and indicates a healthy regenerative state. Lower coherence indicates stressful emotions and a chaotic heart rate causing decreases in memory, thinking, mental clarity, and more.
For decades the HeartMath institute has been studying our heart and brain to discover how powerful these connections are and how they influence our emotions. Numerous studies have indicated the heart has it's own independent nervous system which influences cognitive functioning, self-regularity capacity, emotional stability, and resilience. The heart sends signals to the brain that go to the amygdala (emotional processing centre) and to the thalamus, which synchronizes our cortical functions and affects our higher brain centres. These signals from the hear contain strong rhythmic bio-electric energy that is sent to every cell in our body. This energy creates a 3-foot 360-degree electromagnetic field that radiates around you.
How does this relate to horses? When working with anyone, horse or human you must be aware of your own state of mind and actions. If you are unaware of what your body language and emotions are saying, there's a risk of influencing the behaviours of those around you. Horses mirror us; they reflect what you're feeling and what you're doing. This means we must be attuned to our physical body while ensuring a calm mind and lowering stress. These sessions will allow you to receive immediate honest feedback from your equine partner by observing how they interact with you. In addition to having your equine friend, a machine/app can also be used to show your body's rhythm and track your progress over multiple sessions.
This is a mindfulness practice which can be performed anywhere, all you need is a quiet comfortable place or if you're out and about the most convenient spot you can find. Take a few minutes to reflect inward and focus on bringing down stressful or anxious emotions and increase coherence. This is a great way to continue the work you started in the biofeedback sessions and apply them to your daily life.
For the love of horses